530 Autumn Jokes That are Unbe-leaf-ably Funny

If you’re here, it means you’re ready to crunch through the pile of autumn jokes.

Not just any jokes, but the pick of the orchard.

That’s why we’ve raked up a list of the most hilarious autumn jokes.

From leaf-falling puns to pumpkin-spiced one-liners, our compilation has a joke for every autumnal mood.

So, let’s dive into the crisp world of autumn humor, one joke at a time.

Autumn Jokes

Autumn jokes are a fall-tastic way to add a laugh to your day as the leaves start to change color.

They’re not just about the season, but also the activities and traditions associated with it.

From pumpkin carving and apple picking to the obsession with pumpkin spice, Autumn provides a cornucopia of comedic content.

Creating the perfect Autumn joke involves a play on words, a keen observation of the season’s quirks, and maybe a little bit of friendly ribbing about everyone’s love for cozy sweaters and bonfires.

Ready to fall into laughter?

Leaf your worries behind with these hilarious Autumn jokes:

  • Why did the tree take a nap in the middle of autumn? It was having a leaf-over!
  • Why did the acorn start a fight? Because it had a chip on its shoulder!
  • What do you call a squirrel who likes to knit? A seamstress!
  • What do you call a tree in autumn with no leaves? Naked!
  • Why do squirrels love autumn? Because they can go nuts collecting acorns!
  • What do you get when you drop a pumpkin? Squash!
  • Why do vampires love autumn? Because the stakes are high!
  • Why did the leaf bring a flashlight to the party? Because it wanted to be a “leaf-in-the-dark”!
  • What did one leaf say to the other leaf during autumn? I’m falling for you faster than you can leaf!
  • Why don’t scientists trust atoms in the fall? Because they make up everything!
  • Why do trees in autumn always look at their smartphones? To check their leaf-ets!
  • Why do trees hate raking leaves? Because it’s a real pain in the grass!
  • Why did the leaf go to the art gallery? To get framed!
  • Why did the scarecrow take a vacation in the fall? To get some “rest” and relaxation!
  • What do you call a pumpkin that plays the piano? A squash-tel!
  • Why did the leaf fall off the tree? It felt un-leaf-able!
  • What do you call a squirrel who likes to play with autumn leaves? A nutcracker!
  • Why do trees make the worst comedians in autumn? Because their bark is always worse than their bite!
  • Why do the leaves always fall in love? Because they’re autumn-atic!
  • What do you get if you throw a great comedian into a pile of autumn leaves? Comic relief!
  • Why do trees hate raking leaves? It’s such a “sweeping” task!
  • Why did the leaf bring a suitcase to the tree? Because it was going on a “fall” vacation!
  • Why did the squirrel bring a hairdryer to the park? He wanted to blow all the leaves away!
  • What do you call a tree that cheats during autumn? A “fall”onious tree!
  • Why do trees hate raking? Because they’re always getting to the root of the problem!
  • Why did the leaf go to the bank? To get its branches sorted out!
  • Why did the scarecrow become a successful comedian? Because he was outstanding in his field during autumn!
  • Why did the scarecrow invite his friends over in autumn? He was feeling corny and wanted some company!
  • Why do leaves never go on vacation in autumn? They don’t like to leaf their trees!
  • What do you call a tree that gets up and walks away? A tree-mendous tree!
  • What do you call a scarecrow with a PhD? Outstanding in his field of study!
  • Why did the ghost go out in the fall? To get some boo-berries!
  • What’s the most musical season? Autumn-tune!
  • Why did the ghost go trick-or-treating in autumn? Because it had BOO-tiful scenery!
  • Why did the leaf take a nap? Because it was feeling really “fall”-tigued!
  • Why do trees hate autumn parties? Because they get all the leaf-ing!
  • Why did the squirrel bring a ladder to the tree in autumn? To reach the high notes when singing acorn-yo!
  • What do you call a tree that has a good sense of humor? A pun-kin!
  • Why did the leaf lose the poker game? Because it was always “raking” in chips!
  • Why did the autumn leaf always know where it was going? Because it had a good sense of direction!
  • Why did the squirrel take up knitting? Because it heard the chestnuts were dropping!
  • What’s a scarecrow’s favorite fruit? Straw-berries!
  • Why do trees hate raking leaves? Because they can never seem to get to the root of the problem!
  • Why did the ghost go on vacation during autumn? Because it wanted to fall off somewhere quiet!
  • What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter? Pumpkin pi!
  • What type of music do scarecrows listen to? Straw and Order!
  • Why did the leaf bring a ladder? To climb to a higher branch!
  • Why did the squirrel swim on its back? To keep its nuts dry in the autumn rain!
  • What do trees say on Halloween? Leaf me alone!
  • Why are autumn trees always tired? Because they just “fall” into bed every night!
  • Why do trees make terrible comedians? Their bark is worse than their bite!
  • What type of pants do ghosts wear in autumn? Boo-jeans!
  • What do you call a pumpkin that insults everyone? A mean, gourd-hearted squash!
  • Why did the leaf go to the gym? It wanted to get ripped!
  • What do you call a scarecrow that tells good jokes? A corny comedian!
  • Why did the ghost go to the autumn party? To go bobbing for apples!
  • Why did the squirrel bring a blanket to the park in autumn? To keep acorn-y warm!
  • How do trees get on the internet? They log in!
  • What do you get if you cross an autumn leaf with a dog? A dogwood tree!
  • Why did the tree go to the dentist in autumn? To get its root canal!
  • What’s a scarecrow’s favorite type of music in autumn? Straw-n’b!
  • Why did the acorn go to the gym? It wanted to be a mighty oak in time for autumn!
  • What is an autumn tree’s favorite dance? The leaf tango!
  • What is a pumpkin’s favorite sport in autumn? Squash!
  • Why did the leaf go to the school dance? It heard it would be falling for someone there.
  • Why don’t scientists trust trees in autumn? They can be a bit shady!
  • Why did the leaf go to the art gallery? It wanted to see some autumn-tic masterpieces!
  • What did one autumn leaf say to the other? I’m falling for you…and I can’t leaf you alone!
  • What do you call a pumpkin that plays football? A squash quarterback!
  • Why did the squirrel bring a tiny umbrella in autumn? In case of tree showers!
  • Why do trees hate going to parties? Because they get all “twigged” up!
  • Why did the scarecrow blush during autumn? Because it saw the corn stalks!
  • Why do trees in autumn never make good comedians? Because their jokes always leaf everyone falling flat!
  • What do you call a tree that has a great personality? Poplar!
  • Why did the pumpkin go to the doctor? It had a bad case of the gourd pains!
  • What do you call a pumpkin that can’t stop smiling? A jolly gourd!
  • What’s the tree’s favorite social media platform? “Vine”! It loves to share its autumn foliage!
  • Why do trees hate going to autumn parties? They always get a little too turnt!
  • What do you call a tree that knows how to knit? A purling willow in autumn!
  • Why do trees hate going to autumn parties? They’re afraid of being leafed out!


Short Autumn Jokes

Short autumn jokes are like a sip of warm apple cider—comforting, playful, and packed with flavor.

These jokes are perfect for breaking the ice at family gatherings, delighting friends on social media, or adding a sprinkle of humor to your daily conversations.

The magic of short autumn jokes lies in their ability to blend the beauty of the season with a quick, witty punchline, making you chuckle in just a few words.

So, let’s fall into laughter!

Here are short autumn jokes that pack a hearty chuckle in just a few lines.

  • What do you call a tree that’s always cold? A shiver-tree!
  • Why do trees love to knit? Because they “fall” for the yarn!
  • Why did the squirrel take a vacation in autumn? To go nutty!
  • What’s the tree’s favorite social media platform? Vinea! (Vine).
  • Why did the scarecrow blush? Because it heard the cornfield was outstanding!
  • What’s a scarecrow’s favorite type of clothing? A “FALL” suit!
  • Why do trees always have so many friends? They branch out!
  • What is a tree’s favorite season? Fall, it’s when they let loose!
  • What do you call a pumpkin that complains a lot? A grouch-kin!
  • Why did the squirrel bring a backpack in autumn? To go nutting!
  • What do you call a pumpkin with a faulty GPS? Lost gourd!
  • What’s a ghost’s favorite season? Boo-tumn!
  • Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the autumnal equinox!
  • What do you call a pumpkin that’s sleeping? A snore-kin!
  • What’s a tree’s favorite exercise? Tree-soning!
  • Why did the scarecrow go on vacation? He needed some “me” time!
  • Why do trees hate raking leaves? They can’t handle the weight!
  • Why did the acorn never grow up? It was a little nutty!
  • What do you call a tree that knows karate? A “martial-elm”!
  • Why do leaves always dance together? Because they have great chemistry!
  • What do you call a tree in autumn? A fall foliage!
  • What’s a scarecrow’s favorite type of music? Straw-m and bass!
  • Why do leaves always trust the tree? Because they be-leaf in them!
  • What do you call a ghost in autumn? A brrrr-rito!
  • What do you call a pumpkin that can’t run away? Squash!
  • Why don’t scientists trust autumn leaves? Because they’re always falling!
  • Why did the leaf blush? Because it saw the autumnal equinox.
  • What do you call a nut who’s always cold? A frosty walnut!
  • What do you call a scarecrow who loves the fall season? Outstanding!
  • Why do trees hate raking leaves? They prefer to branch out!
  • What do you call a sad pumpkin? A weepy gourd!


Autumn Jokes One-Liners

Autumn one-liner jokes are the epitome of humor wrapped up in the beauty of a single, crisp sentence.

They’re the spoken equivalent of stepping on a crunchy leaf – satisfying, clean, and wonderfully amusing.

Creating a captivating one-liner requires a mix of imagination, accuracy, and a deep love for the art of puns.

The challenge lies in encapsulating the setup and punchline in a neat package, delivering the maximum comedic effect with minimal words.

Here’s to hoping these autumn one-liners fall into your sense of humor and leave you laughing like a tree shedding leaves:

  • What do you call a pumpkin comedian? A joke-o’-lantern!
  • Why did the apple go to school in autumn? To get a little cider-education!
  • Autumn is like nature’s way of saying, “Hey, look how pretty death can be!”
  • Why did the vampire enjoy the fall season? Because he could finally wear his coffin!
  • Why did the ghost go trick-or-treating in the fall? Because it had a gourd time!
  • In autumn, I’m not a morning person… or an afternoon person. I’m basically a bear in hibernation mode.
  • What do you call a ghost that haunts cornfields? A maize-ter ghost!
  • Why did the autumn leaf get a job as a comedian? Because it had a natural talent for delivering fall-larious punchlines!
  • Autumn is like a second spring when every leaf is a flower and every pumpkin spice latte is basic.
  • Why did the pumpkin go to the therapist? It had a lot of squash-ed feelings!
  • I’m ready for autumn because I’m falling for cozy sweaters and pumpkin spice everything!
  • Autumn: the season when everything falls… except my grades, unfortunately.
  • Why did the squirrel bring a leaf to the party? Because it was ready to fall in love with autumn!
  • In autumn, I like to pretend I’m a squirrel and hoard snacks like there’s no tomorrow.
  • Autumn is a great time to pumpkin spice up your life!
  • I tried to take a leaf out of autumn’s book, but it just fell apart… much like my attempt at being poetic.
  • Why do ghosts love autumn? Because it’s the season of boo-tiful colors!
  • Why did the scarecrow invite the crow to the corn maze? Because he heard it was a-maize-ing!
  • I can’t be-leaf how much I fall for autumn!
  • What do you call a tree that can fit in your hand? A palm tree!
  • Why did the ghost go to the autumn party? Because he heard there would be boo-ze!
  • Why did the ghost go trick-or-treating in autumn? Because he wanted to fall into the holiday spirit!
  • Why do squirrels gather nuts in the fall? Because they’re preparing for Nutcracker season!
  • Why did the squirrel bring a blanket to the park in autumn? Because it wanted to have a picnic in the fall!
  • I love autumn because I can finally stop pretending that I want to exercise outdoors.
  • Fall is a magical time when the leaves change color and people forget how to drive.
  • Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field, especially during autumn!
  • Why did the apple go to school? To become a smart cider during autumn!
  • What’s a tree’s favorite dating app? Timber!
  • Why did the tree go to the bank? It needed to branch out!
  • What’s the best dance to do on autumn leaves? The maple leaf shuffle!
  • What do you call a scarecrow in the rain? Straw-dyed!
  • I’m falling for autumn, leaf it or not!
  • Why did the squirrel bring a leaf to the party? Because he wanted to be a little more “tree-sy”!
  • I can’t be-leaf it’s already autumn!
  • Why did the autumn leaf go to the doctor? It had fall-en ill!
  • Autumn is the time of year when my wardrobe goes from 50 shades of summer to 50 shades of pumpkin spice.
  • What do you get if you cross a ghost and a pumpkin? A squashed Halloween!
  • What do you get when you combine a vampire and a snowman? Frostbite!
  • I saw a squirrel burying an acorn in the ground. I asked if it was planning for autumn, and it said, “I’m just trying to make some nutty investments.”
  • Why do trees never get into trouble? Because they’re always branching out!
  • Why do trees hate autumn? Because the falling leaves are always taking them for granite!
  • Why did the tree go to the bank? To get its leaves checked!
  • Why do trees always have a lot of friends? Because they branch out!
  • Why did the ghost go trick-or-treating in autumn? Because he needed a little boo-ster!
  • Why don’t skeletons like autumn? Because the falling leaves are a real pain in the neck!
  • Autumn is the season when the earth is like a beautiful kaleidoscope, except instead of jewels, it’s mostly dead leaves.
  • In autumn, the trees are like nature’s own disco party, shedding leaves like nobody’s business.
  • Why did the skeleton go to the autumn party alone? Because he had no body to go with him!
  • What do you call a squirrel that likes to collect autumn leaves? A nut-umn enthusiast!
  • Why don’t trees like autumn? Because they’re afraid of fall-ing!
  • Why did the scarecrow take up gardening? Because he heard it was a job with a lot of “foliage”!
  • What do you call a pumpkin that plays sports in autumn? Squash buckling!
  • Why did the autumn leaf go to the party alone? Because all its friends fell off!
  • Why do trees hate autumn? Because the fall always comes back to haunt them!
  • What do you call a pumpkin that complains all the time? A grumpy gourd!
  • Why did the tomato turn red in autumn? Because it saw the salad dressing!
  • What do you get when you cross a vampire with a snowman in autumn? Frostbite!
  • Autumn is the perfect time to cuddle up with a warm blanket, a hot drink, and a good excuse to cancel plans.
  • Who needs a boyfriend when you can have a cozy sweater for autumn cuddles?
  • Why did the scarecrow blush? Because he saw the pumpkin’s pie!
  • What’s the pumpkin’s favorite sport? Squash!
  • I asked the tree if it was ready for autumn, but it replied, “I’m falling for you already.”
  • Why don’t trees like autumn? Because the fall for anything!
  • Autumn is the season where leaves fall and so do my expectations.
  • Autumn is the season of change, or as I like to call it, the season of “Where did I put my scarf?”
  • I tried to catch some fog, but I mist.
  • I love autumn because it’s the only time of year when I can wear my “leaf me alone” t-shirt and nobody judges me.
  • Why did the vampire go to the orchard? To get a bite of the apple!
  • What do you call a pumpkin that can sing? A Jack-O-Lantern!
  • Autumn is like a second spring, where every leaf is a flower… and every pumpkin is a potential pie.
  • What do you call a tree that is always cold? A shiver-y!
  • I told my wife I wanted to rake leaves. She said, “You already married me, what more do you want to rake?”
  • Why did the ghost go to the autumn party? To add a little boo to the season.
  • I’m falling for you… like the leaves in autumn!
  • Why did the squirrel take up gardening? Because it wanted to be an acorn-ucopia!
  • Why did the squirrel bring a leaf to the party? It needed a little acorn-y!
  • I love autumn because it gives me an excuse to drink pumpkin spice lattes without judgment.
  • Why do trees hate raking leaves? Because they’re so easily fall-en!
  • I can’t be-leaf how beautiful autumn is, it’s unbe-leaf-able!
  • Autumn is the season of change, and by change, I mean the color of my hair.
  • What’s the favorite exercise of a scarecrow? The straw-thletic workout!
  • Why did the ghost go to the fall festival? For some “boo”-tiful autumn scenery!
  • Autumn is the time of year when I realize that my favorite color is actually every shade of orange that exists.
  • How do trees get online during the autumn? They just log in!
  • Why did the scarecrow go to college? Because he wanted to be outstanding in his field!
  • Why do birds fly south for the winter? Because it’s too far to walk!
  • Why did the squirrel cross the road in autumn? To show the other side how nutty it can be!
  • What did the autumn tree say to the misbehaving leaf? You’re grounded!
  • Why did the ghost go trick-or-treating in autumn? Because it wanted some boo-berries!
  • Why did the apple go to school in autumn? Because it wanted to be a smartie-pie!
  • I’m only here for the boots and scarves. The falling leaves are just a bonus.
  • Autumn is the time when nature shows us how beautiful it is to let things go, except my allergies.
  • I told my friend I was going to start a band called “The Falling Leaves.” He said, “That sounds like a deciduous plan.”
  • What do you call a tree that is always crying in the autumn? A weeping willow!
  • I’m falling for autumn… Literally, I can’t stop tripping on all these leaves!
  • I’m ready for fall… as long as it doesn’t fall back on me.
  • Why did the squirrel bring a blanket to the tree? Because it wanted to stay cozy during autumn!
  • I asked my dog if he liked autumn walks, and he replied, “I’m all ears… and tail!”
  • Why don’t trees like to go to parties? Because they’re afraid of getting lit!
  • I’m so excited for autumn, I’m falling for it faster than the leaves from the trees.
  • Autumn is the season when nature puts on its best coat… and then promptly drops it on the ground.
  • What do you call a scarecrow who loves autumn? The corn-y jokester!
  • Why do trees hate autumn? Because the fall is their least favorite season!
  • Autumn is like a second spring, where every leaf is a flower… or a reminder to buy a leaf blower.
  • What do you call a tree that talks in the fall? A conversation oak!
  • Autumn is like a giant leafy carpet, making every walk a game of “Don’t slip and embarrass yourself.”
  • Autumn is the season when the trees look so fly with their fall fashion!
  • What do you call a tree that grows money? A cashew tree!
  • Why do trees in autumn always go to therapy? Because they’re falling apart!
  • I love autumn because it’s the only time of the year I can wear a sweater without someone asking if I’m cold or homeless.
  • What do you call a pumpkin that tells jokes? A comedi-gourd, perfect for autumn entertainment!
  • Why did the cornstalk go to therapy? It had a husk of anxiety about the approaching autumn harvest!
  • I love autumn because it’s the only time of the year I can use the excuse “I’m just layering for fashion.”
  • Why do the trees in autumn never get invited to parties? Because they always turn over a new leaf!
  • What is the tree’s favorite drink during autumn? Root beer!


Autumn Dad Jokes

Autumn dad jokes are the perfect concoction of light-hearted humor and puns centered around the fall season.

They are the type of jokes that will leave you rolling your eyes and chuckling simultaneously.

These jokes are perfect for family bonfires, Thanksgiving dinners, or simply to add a dash of humor to the crisp autumn air.

Prepare for the laughs and occasional groans.

Here are some autumn dad jokes that will surely ‘leaf’ you smiling:

  • Why do trees make great comedians in autumn? They have a lot of “punny” jokes up their sleeves!
  • Why did the scarecrow go to school? To brush up on his scare tactics!
  • What is a tree’s favorite season? Fall, because it’s a leaf-changing experience!
  • Why did the leaf fall off the tree? Because it wanted to branch out on its own!
  • Why do trees always win at autumn poker? Because they have a lot of leaves!
  • What do you call a pumpkin that can solve math problems? A smarty-gourd!
  • Why do leaves always go on vacation in the Fall? Because they love to “get away”!
  • What do you get when you cross a vampire with a scarecrow? A “fang-tastic” autumn decoration!
  • Why did the squirrel start hoarding acorns in the autumn? Because it was nuts about fall!
  • Why don’t scientists trust trees? Because they are so shady!
  • What’s a tree’s favorite autumn color? Octo-ber!
  • Why do squirrels love autumn? Because they get to go nuts with all the acorns!
  • Why did the scarecrow blush? Because it heard the corny jokes in the field!
  • Why did the tree go to the gym? It wanted to get into shape for the fall season!
  • What did the autumn leaf say to its friend? “I’m feeling a bit unstable, I think I’m falling apart!”
  • What do you call a tree that has a lot of autumn leaves? Popular!
  • What do you call a tree that can play music? A guitarwood!
  • How do you fix a broken pumpkin? With a pumpkin patch!
  • Why did the leaf keep falling off the tree? It had a bad case of “fall”-ing sickness!
  • Why do trees hate raking leaves? Because it’s a thankless job!
  • Why did the tree start a band in the fall? Because it had the perfect “fall foliage” for a lead singer!
  • Why did the autumn leaf invite its friends to dinner? Because it wanted to turn over a new leaf!
  • Why do trees hate raking leaves? Because they get stuck doing all the dirty work!
  • Why don’t trees like to knit? Because they would rather leaf it to the experts!
  • Why don’t skeletons fight each other? They don’t have the guts!
  • Why did the scarecrow become a successful comedian? Because he was a corny joke expert!
  • Why do ghosts love autumn? Because they can fall right through the floor!
  • Why do pumpkins never quarrel? Because they have no gourd to fight!
  • Why don’t trees like to knit? Because they’re afraid of losing their leaves (needles)!
  • Why do vampires love autumn? It’s the season of necks and tickles!
  • Why did the autumn leaves have a party? Because they just wanted to “turn up” the fun!
  • Why did the acorn get promoted? Because it was a hard nut to crack in autumn!
  • What’s a ghost’s favorite autumn activity? Leaf peeping!
  • Why do squirrels like autumn? Because they can easily find their nuts!
  • What do you call a tree in the fall that can’t keep its leaves? Unbe-leaf-able!
  • Why do trees hate autumn? Because the fall is always a leaf them behind!
  • Why do leaves never take notes in school? Because they’re always falling behind!
  • Why did the autumn leaf blush? Because it saw the acorn underwear!
  • Why did the leaf go to the doctor? It was feeling green and had a case of autumn-ia!
  • Why do squirrels never get lost in the fall? Because they always know which acorn-er to take!
  • What’s the tree’s favorite season? Autumn! It gets to show off its leaf collection!
  • What did the autumn breeze say to the fallen leaf? I’ll catch you on the flip side!
  • What’s the best way to catch a squirrel in autumn? Climb a tree and act like a nut!
  • What do you call a cornfield that’s always bragging? A-maize-ing!
  • What did the autumn tree say to the summer tree? I’m falling for you, but I’ll be back next year!
  • Why do leaves always travel in groups? Because they like to branch out.
  • Why did the tree go to the gym? To get more trunk!
  • Why did the sun go on vacation during autumn? It needed a break from all the leaves!
  • Why do trees hate raking leaves? Because it’s such a tedious job, they’d rather branch out!
  • What do you call a tree that can’t stop shaking in autumn? A nervous wreath!
  • Why did the pumpkin go to the doctor? Because it was feeling a little gourd!
  • What do you call a ghost who loves fall? Ghoul-den!
  • Why do trees love to knit? Because they are good at purling!
  • What do trees do when they go on a road trip? They leave!
  • Why do trees hate autumn? Because the leaves fall for someone else!
  • Why did the squirrel bring a ladder to the tree in the autumn? It wanted to reach new heights for acorns!
  • What do you call a tree that knows martial arts? Willow Smith!
  • What do you call a tree that takes a long time to autumn-atically change color? Lazy.
  • What’s a tree’s favorite thing about autumn? Fall-ing in love with nature!
  • Why do squirrels swim on their backs? To keep their nuts dry during the fall!
  • What’s a tree’s favorite season? Fall, because it’s always branching out!
  • Why did the tree go to the barber in autumn? It wanted a new fall look!
  • What do you call a scarecrow who loves autumn? The biggest fan in the field!
  • What do you get when you cross a scarecrow and a pumpkin? A “plenty” of fun in the fall!
  • Why do trees hate autumn? Because the falling leaves drive them nuts!
  • Why did the tree go on a diet? Because it wanted to shed a few pounds before autumn!
  • Why do trees always have Autumn parties? Because they know how to “fall” in love!
  • What do you call a pumpkin comedian? The pun-king of comedy!
  • Why do trees hate raking leaves? Because they’re always falling for it!
  • Why did the scarecrow become a stand-up comedian? Because he was always cracking corny jokes in the field!
  • What do you call a tree that can’t stop dancing in the fall? The Nutcracker!
  • Why did the leaf go to the dance? It wanted to “fall” in step with the season!
  • What do you call a tree that has good manners? A polite-leaf!
  • Why did the leaf blush? Because it saw the autumn sunset and couldn’t help but turn red!
  • Why do trees seem suspicious in autumn? Because they’re shedding!
  • Why do trees in autumn always look so busy? They’re always falling for each other!
  • Why do trees hate raking leaves? Because they’re always stuck between a rake and a hard place!
  • Why are trees so great at autumn parties? They know how to “turn” up the fun!
  • What do you call two birds in love during the autumn season? Tweet-hearts!
  • Why did the scarecrow take up acting in autumn? He wanted to be in the falling leaves!
  • Why did the tree go to the barber in the fall? To get a root touch-up!
  • Why did the leaf bring a map to the picnic? Because it didn’t want to get lost among the apples and oranges!
  • Why do trees hate going to parties? They always feel like they’re being leafed out!
  • Why did the scarecrow blush? Because it heard corny autumn jokes all day long!
  • What month do trees hate the most? Sep-timber!
  • Why did the leaf go to the doctor? It was feeling green and falling ill…in autumn, of course!
  • What’s a tree’s favorite social media platform? Timber!
  • Why did the leaf take a vacation in autumn? It needed a little “me tree” time!
  • Why did the tree go to the dentist? It needed a root canal before winter!
  • Why did the acorn take an umbrella to the park? In case it became a tree-shaker!
  • Why did the acorn call the police? Because it got mugged!
  • Why do vampires like autumn? Because they can really “sink their teeth” into it!
  • What do you call a pumpkin that can’t stop telling jokes? A pumpkin “wit” a sense of humor!
  • Why do trees hate going to parties? Because they always get the wrong kind of sap!
  • Why do leaves never get in trouble? Because they always know how to turn over a new leaf!
  • Why do trees hate raking leaves? Because they get too attached!
  • What do you get if you cross a leaf blower with a lumberjack? A fall-time favorite!


Autumn Jokes for Kids

Autumn jokes for kids are like the falling leaves of the humor world—colorful, exciting, and full of good-natured fun.

These jokes help children to engage their imagination, understand the beauty of seasonal change, and foster an appreciation for the magic of autumn.

Moreover, autumn jokes for kids have the added advantage of turning learning about seasons into a playful and enjoyable experience.

They make the transition from summer to autumn something to look forward to with excitement and giggles.

Ready to add a splash of color to their laughter?

Here are the jokes that’ll have them chuckling amidst the crisp autumn air:

  • Popular!
  • A scare-elm!
  • What do you call a rainy fall day? Wet-umn!
  • Why do leaves always go to parties? Because they have a lot of “fall”ow-ers!
  • What kind of pants do ghosts wear? Boo jeans!
  • Why did the squirrel take up gardening? Because he heard it was a great way to branch out and acorn a new hobby!
  • What do you call a tree during the fall? A leaf-ling!
  • Why don’t trees like to knit? Because they always end up with too many loose leaves!
  • Frostbite!
  • What do you call a pumpkin that tells jokes? A real Halloween-y!
  • Why did the leaf go to the party alone? Because it didn’t want to fall for anyone!
  • Why did the football team go to the bakery? Because they needed a good roll!
  • A pun-kin!
  • Why do trees always go to the gym in the fall? To get their trunks in shape!
  • Why did the leaf go to the dance? Because it heard the beat and couldn’t resist the fall-ing rhythm!
  • What do you call a tree that has a lot of time on its hands? A tree-mendous tree!
  • Why did the autumn leaf go to school? To get its leaf-et degree!
  • Why don’t trees like to go to parties? Because they always leaf early.
  • Because he was outstanding in his field!
  • What type of shoes do frogs wear in autumn? Open toad sandals!
  • What do you call a scared autumn leaf? A chicken tender!
  • Why did the acorn go to school? To become an oak-ay student!
  • What do you get when you cross a tree and a dog? A bark!
  • Why did the pumpkin go to the party alone? Because it couldn’t find its gourd-mates!
  • What month can you never trust? Octo-lier!
  • Why did the squirrel wrap itself in newspaper? Because it wanted to be a newspaper leaflet!
  • Why did the scarecrow invite his friends over for a party? Because he was outstanding in his field!
  • What did the big leaf say to the little leaf? I’m falling for you too fast, can you slow down?
  • Why did the leaf go to the art gallery? To see the autumn collection.
  • To keep its nuts dry!
  • Why did the squirrel take a leaf to the library? So he could turn over a new leaf!
  • Why do trees hate going to parties in autumn? Because they always leaf early!
  • Why did the leaf bring a suitcase to the tree? Because it wanted to pack its trunk!
  • What did the wind say to the leaves as they fell? I’m falling for you, autumn!
  • I’m falling for you!
  • Why did the scarecrow go to school? To get a little “straw”berry education!
  • What do you call a scarecrow with a PhD? Dr. Straw!
  • Why did the tree start a fight with the squirrel? Because it wanted to show off its autumn leaves!
  • Why did the acorn take an umbrella to the park? Because it heard the weather forecast said there would be scattered showers!
  • What is a tree’s favorite subject in school? Geometry, because they love angles!
  • Because it needed to unwind!
  • Why do trees never get into trouble in autumn? Because they let their leaves fall!
  • To fall down properly!
  • What do you call a squirrel who loves autumn? A nut-fall enthusiast!
  • What type of tree fits in your hand? A palm tree.
  • Why did the pumpkin go to the party? Because it was feeling gourd-geous!
  • Why do leaves always go to the party? Because they always know how to fall and have a good time!
  • What do trees say on Halloween? “Trick or tree-t!”
  • What do you call a scary autumn day? Fright-day!
  • Why do the leaves change color in the autumn? Because they’re outstanding in their field!
  • Why did the squirrel bring a blanket to the tree? Because it wanted to take a nap in the shade!
  • What’s a ghost’s favorite autumn activity? Haunting pumpkins!
  • What do you call a nut who tells jokes? A silly acorn!
  • They log in!
  • Because it saw the autumn leaves falling for it!
  • With a pumpkin patch!
  • Why did the scarecrow take a vacation in the fall? Because it needed to unwind!
  • What do you get if you cross a ghost and a tree in autumn? A scare-branch!
  • Sep-timber!
  • Why do bees have sticky hair in autumn? Because they use honeycombs!
  • Because it wanted to have a picnic with acorny joke!
  • Leaf me alone!
  • Why did the squirrel take a vacation in the fall? To acorn-y himself with nature!
  • What is a tree’s least favorite month? Sep-timber.
  • Why did the squirrel take up knitting? Because it was nuts about autumn fashion.
  • What do you call a tree that is always ready to go to a party? A poplar!
  • What do you call a tree that takes a nap in autumn? A re-leaf-er!
  • What is a scarecrow’s favorite fruit? Straw-berries!
  • Why did the teacher wear sunglasses in autumn? Because her students were so bright!
  • Because it was falling ill!
  • Why did the squirrel bring a tiny umbrella to the forest? Just in case it became fall-ing!
  • Why did the squirrel bring a tiny umbrella? For the acorn-y weather.
  • A self-ie!
  • What do you call a tree that loses all of its leaves in autumn? Naked!


Autumn Jokes for Adults

Who said laughter needs to be seasonal?

Autumn jokes for adults take the humor factor to a whole new level, intertwining sophisticated jest with a hint of whimsy that perfectly mirrors the season’s spirit.

Just like a hearty pumpkin soup, these jokes combine elements of humor, intellect, and a sprinkle of naughtiness for a refreshing giggle that warms you up.

These jokes are ideal for family gatherings, Thanksgiving dinners, or simply to add a splash of laughter to an otherwise mundane fall evening.

Here are some autumn jokes that are ripe for adults:

  • Why did the autumn leaf go to the dance? It wanted to have a ball!
  • Why was the autumnal tree so good at giving advice? It had a lot of experience shedding things!
  • Why do trees hate going to parties in autumn? They always get stuck with the same old leaves!
  • Why did the squirrel hide in the tree during autumn? Because it was a nutty season!
  • Why did the ghost go to the autumn party? To boo-gie on the dance floor!
  • Why do trees make the worst frenemies? Because they’re always throwing shade!
  • What do trees do in autumn? Fall!
  • Why are autumn trees so bad at making decisions? They always leaf it up to chance!
  • What did the autumn leaf say to its friends? I’m “falling” for this season!
  • Why did the leaf go to the casino? It wanted to gamble its life away!
  • Why did the pumpkin go to the gym? It wanted to work on its gourd-geous figure!
  • What did the autumn leaf say to the lawn mower? I’m falling for you, but please leaf me alone!
  • Why did the pumpkin go to a therapist? It had a lot of emotional baggage to unpack after being carved!
  • Why did the pumpkin go to a psychiatrist? It felt a bit off its gourd!
  • What’s a tree’s favorite drink in autumn? Root beer!
  • Why did the squirrel bring a parachute to the autumn party? In case he wanted to leaf early!
  • Why did the tree hire a lawyer in the fall? It wanted to sue the leaf blower!
  • Why don’t trees like to go to school in autumn? They always get stumped on the leaf-sons!
  • Why did the autumn leaf go to the dance? Because it had fallen for someone!
  • Why did the acorn take his dog to the autumn festival? He wanted to win the “nuttiest pet” contest!
  • Why did the scarecrow take up knitting in the autumn? To keep its pole-dancing skills on the down-low!
  • Why did the scarecrow break up with the cornstalk? It heard it was just a stalk-tale relationship!
  • What do you call a pumpkin with a college degree? A smart squash!
  • Why was the calendar nervous about autumn? It knew its days were numbered!
  • Why did the apple go out with the fig? Because it couldn’t find a date!
  • Why do trees in autumn always go to parties? They just want to branch out and have a good time!
  • Why did the apple tree break up with the maple tree? It couldn’t resist falling for someone else!
  • Why do autumn leaves never get into trouble? Because they always stick together!
  • Why did the tree need to take a break? It was feeling a bit branch-ed out!
  • Why did the tree go to therapy in the fall? Because it was having separation anxiety from its leaves!
  • What’s the favorite type of music for scarecrows in the fall? Straw-n-bass!
  • Why did the squirrel take up knitting? It wanted to make cozy acorn sweaters for the winter!
  • Why was the cornfield so popular during autumn? Because it was the stalk of the town!
  • What do you call a tree in the fall that likes to knit? A yarn-bark!
  • Why did the leaf bring a ladder to the party? It wanted to fall for someone!
  • Why do pumpkins never like to argue? They prefer to squash their problems!
  • Why do trees make the worst frenemies? Because they are shady and always leaves you hanging!
  • Why do autumn leaves never get invited to parties? Because they always take a leaf early!
  • What do you call a tree in autumn that dances to classical music? Beethoven!
  • Why did the apple go to the doctor in autumn? It wasn’t peeling well!
  • What do you call a pumpkin that is dating? A squash-buckler!
  • Why did the pumpkin go to the party alone? Because it didn’t have a gourd friend!
  • What do you call a tree that floats? A poplar bear!
  • What do you call a pumpkin that can’t stop talking? A gourd-acious chatterbox!
  • What do trees say when they’re ready to start dating? “I’m falling for you!”
  • Why do trees hate raking leaves in autumn? Because it’s a real “leaf” of absence!
  • What did one autumn leaf say to the other leaf during a windstorm? Hang on, it’s going to be a wild ride!
  • What do you get when you cross a tree with a famous rapper? Lil Wayne! (Willow) .
  • Why do trees always get invited to parties? Because they’re great at bringing the autumn leaves!
  • Why did the autumn leaf get detention? It kept falling behind!
  • Why did the tree get a promotion in autumn? It went out on a limb and took a leaf of faith!
  • Why did the leaf bring a clock to the tree party? Because it wanted to “turn over a new leaf”!
  • Why do trees hate raking leaves? They find it too much of a chore!
  • What’s the favorite fall dessert for math teachers? Pumpkin Pi!
  • Why do squirrels make terrible bankers? Because they always hoard their acorns for a rainy day!
  • Why did the scarecrow invite the pumpkin for dinner? Because it knew it would make a great gourd-met meal!
  • What do you get when you cross a pumpkin and a squirrel? A pumpkin spice latte… it’s nuts!
  • Why did the squirrel bring a ladder to the autumn party? To help him reach the higher nuts!
  • Why do trees hate autumn? Because the fall always leaves them feeling bare!
  • Why did the apple stop rolling down the hill? It ran out of juice!
  • Why did the autumn leaves bring a ladder? They wanted to turn over a new leaf!
  • Why did the tree break up with the autumn wind? It just couldn’t leaf him alone!
  • Why did the acorn go to the police station? It was assaulted!
  • What do you call a tree that likes to fall down? A lumberjack!
  • Why did the squirrel bring an umbrella in autumn? Because it heard it would be raining acorns!
  • What do you call a bear without any teeth? A gummy bear… perfect for fall!
  • What’s a vampire’s favorite season? Fall-o-ween!
  • Why did the tree break up with the autumn? It just wasn’t falling for it anymore!
  • Why did the tree go to therapy? It had a lot of emotional baggage!
  • Why did the scarecrow break up with the cornstalk? It heard it was “stalk”ing other vegetables!
  • Why do leaves never get in trouble during autumn? Because they always “fall” for anything!
  • Why do trees hate going to parties? Because they’re afraid of getting lit!
  • Why do trees hate going to parties in the fall? They’re always the first to “leaf”!
  • What did the tree say to the wind on a blustery autumn day? “Leaf me alone!”
  • Why did the squirrel bring a ladder in the fall? To get to the highest acorns!
  • Why did the ghost go to the autumn party? To fall into the spirit of things!
  • Why did the scarecrow take a vacation in the fall? He needed a “cornfield” break!
  • Why did the scarecrow always carry a map? Because he liked to fall for directions!
  • Why do trees in the autumn always look tired? Because they just finished a long photosynthesis session!
  • What do trees do in autumn to make new friends? They leaf their old ones behind!
  • Why did the apple go to the doctor in the fall? It wanted to get a check-up before cider season!
  • What did the autumn leaf say when it fell off the tree? I’m falling for you, autumn!
  • Why did the ghost go to the autumn festival? To find some “boo” leaves!
  • Why don’t ghosts like autumn? Because it takes away their spirits!
  • Why did the tree break up with the sun? It was tired of being in the shade!
  • Why did the leaf blush during the fall? Because it saw the wind stripping off its friends’ clothes!
  • Why are autumn leaves never lonely? Because they’re always falling!
  • What do you call a pumpkin that can’t make up its mind? Squash!
  • Why did the squirrel bring a tiny umbrella in the autumn? Just in case there was a nut shower!
  • Why did the leaf bring a blanket to the party? It didn’t want to “fall” asleep!
  • Why did the bicycle fall over during autumn? Because it was two-tired!
  • Why do leaves always fall in autumn? Because they’re tired of hanging around!
  • What do you get when you cross a vampire with a tree? Lots of sap!
  • Why did the scarecrow bring a ladder to work? Because he heard the cornfield needed a good earful!
  • Why was the math book sad during autumn? Because it had too many problems to leaf through!
  • What do you call a leaf that won’t stop talking? A foliage filibuster!
  • Why did the leaf go to the psychiatrist? It had separation anxiety from the tree!
  • What is a ghost’s favorite part of autumn? The boo-tiful colors of the falling leaves!
  • Why do squirrels spend so much time in trees during autumn? Because they’re nuts about fall!
  • Why did the scarecrow go on a diet? Because he heard it was a corny way to lose weight!
  • Why did the squirrel bring a ladder to the park in autumn? To reach new heights and enjoy the fall leaves!
  • Why did the skeleton go to a party in autumn? He wanted to have a bone-chilling time!
  • Why do trees make the worst comedians in autumn? Because their jokes always “leaf” you falling asleep!
  • Why do leaves always hate to say goodbye? Because they’re afraid to fall!
  • Why did the scarecrow become a comedian? Because he was great at harvesting laughs!
  • Why did the scarecrow adopt a pet dog? He wanted to put some “bark” into his field!
  • Why was the calendar sad in autumn? Because its days were “falling” fast!
  • What’s a tree’s favorite song? “All About That Base” by Meghan Tree-nor!
  • Why did the acorn never argue with the oak tree? Because it knew it was nuts!
  • Why do trees hate going to autumn parties? They always get “twigged” by someone!
  • Why don’t trees like to knit? Because they always drop their needles in autumn!
  • Why did the squirrel bring an umbrella to the park? For the acorn showers!
  • Why did the autumn leaf bring a suitcase? Because it wanted to travel and see the world before it fell!
  • What is a ghost’s favorite autumn activity? Raking up dead leaves!
  • Why did the leaf go to the casino? It wanted to try its luck at blackjack-oak!
  • Why don’t skeletons like autumn? Because the falling leaves give them the shakes!
  • What do you get when you cross a vampire with a fall leaf? A bat-leaf!
  • Why did the acorn go to the gym? To become a mighty oak!
  • What do you call a scarecrow’s favorite month? Sep-tum-brain!
  • Why do trees hate autumn? Because the leaf them and never come back!
  • Why did the leaf go to the bank? It wanted to withdraw some money!
  • Why did the leaf go to the dance floor? Because it had some serious moves!
  • Why don’t vampires like autumn? They don’t want to fall for anyone!
  • Why did the tree go to the therapist? It had some serious fall issues!
  • What did one autumn leaf say to the other after they fell? I’m falling head over “leaf” for you!
  • Why did the scarecrow take up gardening in autumn? Because he wanted to sow his wild oats!
  • Why did the ghost go inside on a chilly autumn night? It didn’t want to catch its death of cold!


Autumn Joke Generator

Falling short on seasonal humor?

(You get the pun, right?)

That’s when our FREE Autumn Joke Generator comes to your rescue.

Designed to weave witty puns, crisp humor, and playful phrases, it crafts jokes that are guaranteed to leaf you laughing.

Don’t let your humor become as dull as a bare tree.

Use our joke generator to create jokes that are as colorful and charming as the autumn leaves.


FAQs About Autumn Jokes

Why are autumn jokes so popular?

Autumn jokes are popular because they tap into a universal experience that’s shared by many – the transition from summer to winter.

With its unique attributes like falling leaves, pumpkin patches, and cozy sweaters, autumn provides a rich backdrop for humor.


Can autumn jokes help in social situations?


Autumn jokes are perfect for breaking the ice at social gatherings, lightening the mood, or simply showing off your clever and punny side.

They’re relatable and can bring a chuckle to a variety of settings – from a family dinner to a workplace gathering.


How can I come up with my own autumn jokes?

  1. Begin by familiarizing yourself with common autumn characteristics – like changing leaf colors, cooler temperatures, Halloween, or even pumpkin-spiced everything.
  2. Autumn has a unique vocabulary associated with it (e.g., harvest, sweater weather, leaf peeping). Look for homophones, puns, or interesting phrases involving these words.
  3. Consider the context or setting of your joke. Is it a family gathering or a Halloween party? Tailor your humor to suit the vibe.
  4. Use a well-known saying or phrase and twist it to include autumn elements.
  5. Don’t shy away from puns and wordplay. Autumn jokes are perfect for some playful linguistics and pun-tastic humor!


Are there any tips for remembering autumn jokes?

The best way to remember autumn jokes is to associate them with situations where they might be useful – like a bonfire night, a pumpkin carving contest, or a Thanksgiving dinner.

Connecting jokes with these moments can help them stick in your memory.


How can I make my autumn jokes better?

The key is in the delivery.

Find common ground with your audience, use the element of surprise, and don’t be afraid to play with words.

Practice is crucial, so keep sharing your jokes to see what gets the best response.


How does the Autumn Joke Generator work?

Our Autumn Joke Generator is your one-stop source for instant humor, providing laugh-worthy jokes with just a few clicks.

Enter keywords related to your autumn-themed humor or situation, and press the Generate Jokes button.

In no time, you’ll have a batch of fresh, funny autumn jokes ready to share.


Is the Autumn Joke Generator free?

Yes, our Autumn Joke Generator is completely free to use!

Generate as many jokes as you wish and keep your content entertaining and fresh.

Spice up your social feeds with humor that’s as warm and vibrant as autumn itself.



Autumn jokes are a charming way to add a sprinkle of seasonal humor to everyday conversations, making life a bit more enjoyable with each chuckle.

From the crisp and clever to the lengthy and laughter-provoking, there’s an autumn joke to suit every occasion.

So next time you’re sipping on a pumpkin spice latte or walking through a pile of fallen leaves, remember, there’s humor to be found in every crunch, color, and cozy sweater.

Keep spreading the laughs, and let the good times fall and roll.

Because after all, a day without laughter is like a day without autumn—unimaginable and, frankly, a bit less colorful.

Happy joking, everyone!

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